The Bangalore Diva Club (BDC) recently completed a year in existence and the same was celebrated last Sunday in a manner typical of the club-fun and loud, with equal participation from members and on-lookers.

It was refreshing  to see how the kid’s at the event reacted to diving-taking turns to get into the water in the gear and try underwater stunts and play games.

After a brief by the secretary of the club, Madhava Reddy and President, Rohaan Sulaiman  the cake was cut, followed by lunch by the pool.

The energy was contagious and everyone present at the event was connected by the vibe.The heat seemed to make sure that nothing dampensed the spirits of these dive enthusiasts who partied on by the pool through the day-chilling, chatting about their cause for the year and initiatives to do something about it


The Bangalore Dive Club recently celebrated a year in existence!

2009 saw lots of fun and initiatives to preserve the environment, which include:

  • Lobbying against the government which resulted in Nethrani being reopened for diving
  • Spreading  awareness about the effects of pollution on corals
  • Beach clean ups
  • The Maldives and Tioman trips especially for club members and numerous club meets constitute the fun quotient.

We are celebrating the first anniversary at IVY-Unwind Island this Sunday.,July4, so join us for a day of fun-full of lots of activities for divers and enthusiasts.

Contact us for details: Shirley/ Rashmi #08025213366


The most common fear that  my first -time divers have, is that they will be attacked by sharks underwater.

Its absolutely no surprise that this fear stems from Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster “Jaws”!

On the 35th anniversary of the film, the film maker apologized to viewers for misrepresenting the intent of sharks, who only attack when provoked, which is why they never attack peaceful divers.


At the Mediterranean World Cup Jana Strain earned the title of individual world champion. Tension was high on the final day of the competition as the top women had their final dive determining who would take home the gold medal. Jana Strain finished the competition with a strong dive to 64M (210ft) with a fin (CWT).

Her other winning dives were 49M (161ft) no fins (CNF) and a 60M (197 ft) free immersion (FIM). The competition was exciting; many athletes’ preformed personal bests and broke records.

“This was a perfect competition. The diving conditions were lovely and the organization was flawless. I set two new personal bests therefore ending up winning overall and becoming the 2010 World Champion, in both the individual and the team competition. I would not have been able to do this without all of the wonderful support I received from my team and the other athletes. My final and winning dive was the best of the competition, I was completely relaxed and went into the deep blue with grace and comfort.”

The Mediterranean World Cup happens every year in Greece. Athletes compete in all three competitive depth disciplines, earning one point for each meter they descend, at the bottom they fetch a tag and must return to the surface and perform a timed protocol. The competition takes place over one week, during this time the athlete will have five diving attempts.  The winner is the athlete with the highest overall score, calculated from their best score in each discipline.

The International Association for the Development of Freediving, AIDA, is the international sanctioning body for freediving, individual and team competitions, and freediving world record attempts.