With around 8000 kms. of coastline, India can boast of a variety of diving experiences and scuba diving in India can be a pleasant experience for all divers. This includes the pristine locations in and around its islands; both in the Andaman and Arabian Seas are on par with some of the best diving around the tropics. If you are going to scuba dive in India, you cannot miss Lakshwadeep, a remote archipelago off India’s southwestern coast offers colourful reefs and god marine life that will keep any diver enthralled. On the east cost, the many dive spots around the Andaman and Nicobar islands are brimming with vibrant reef life and pristine dive conditions.  In this populous country, you’ll find underwater exploration as intriguing as exploring India’s rich heritage and culture.

Lately, road trips are also becoming a popular way to see India while diving off the coastline and islands. Both foreign and home grown adventure seekers from Mumbai and around who scuba dive in India start in Gujarat and work their way around the southern coastline, taking overnight buses through Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, to end up in Vizag stopping on the way to enjoy dives in the morning and exploring India’s many beautiful cities in the afternoon. The dive locations are more on the west coastline with Kochi being the latest addition with a couple of dive shops opening up and bringing diving to the agenda of this tourism rich state. Existing information about India’s waters allows diving at the following places:

Scuba dive India, Andamans

  • ANDAMAN ISLANDS: Located around 256 km to the northeast of Port Blair, Narcondam Island in the Andamans is covered in dense forests. Its lush green peak that rises from brilliant blue waters forms a rather picturesque contrast. But it is the panorama below the waves that interests scuba diving enthusiasts.
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  • LAKSHADWEEP: Minicoy offers the most spectacular sites for scuba diving in India. Not least of which are the three large shipwrecks at around 8 meters depth on the island reef. Allegedly, it was these shipwrecks that lead to the construction of the lighthouse on the island in 1885.
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  • NETRANI:  Located off the coast of Karnataka, Netrani is a small, uninhabited island. A rocky outcrop emerging from the Arabian Sea, approximately 10 nautical miles from Murudeshwar. The temple town that is home to the second largest Shiva statue in India. It is rated as one of the best places on the west coast for scuba diving in India.
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  • GOA: Renowned for it’s sun-kissed, palm fringed beaches, churches and temple, Goa has long been a tourist hub, with a lot of backpackers from Europe and the West. Scuba diving in Goa has also been developing over the years with new dive shops slowly opening up in the many beaches.
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  • GUJARAT: Imagine scuba diving in India at a place that could rewrite world history. We are talking about the over 9,000-year-old lost city of Dwarka! The legendary dwelling place of Lord Krishna. For this reason, Dwarka finds its place on the our list of the best sites for scuba diving in India.
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