

Scuba equipment servicing and regular maintenance of your dive gear is essential to ensure it remains reliable and functioning correctly. Just as we were all taught during our Open Water Course, cleaning your equipment specially after sea dives is the first step to looking after your gear.  Servicing of  scuba gear varies depending on the equipment and manufacturer recommendations. Most manufacturers recommend annual servicing schedules,  and maintaining the schedule is important to avail any warranties they offer on the equipment. The most important reason to strictly follow the servicing of your kit is simply because this is life-support equipment and we cannot afford to have risks.

The most important piece of scuba equipment is the regulator and has to be serviced either annually or twice a year depending on the brand and specifications irrespective of how infrequently they were used. During a regulator service, the regulator is stripped down, cleaned and worn or required parts are replaced like the o-rings, then reassembly, resetting the intermediate pressure and finally testing. This usually takes a few hours from start to finish but it needs special tools, specific service kits that varies with the equipment model and proper training.

Our Aqua Lung Certified and qualified technicians will handle your next scuba service. We put professional care we put into every piece of gear we receive. Only manufacturer approved components will be used during your service in our well-equipped workshop. As an Aqua Lung Certified Service Center, we have approved service kits for all equipment and only these will be used to keep your gear in the best condition they can be. 

To avail of our servicing or if you have any questions about your equipment, please use the form given or mail us at

Need to have your scuba gear serviced? Please send us your details to enable us to get in touch with you.

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