“There are three ingredients in the Good Life-Learning, Earning and Yearning”, said Christopher Morley.

A brief interactive session with the graduates of the second IDC batch at Planet Scuba India’s Andaman Diving Academy got me thinking What is more important? whether I like what I do or how much I get paid?

A very wise young woman I know who prefers being anonymous said,  “The MONEY-That way even if you hate work at least you can afford the plastic surgery to put a smile on your face!”

Our new instructors had no such questions in their heads though. As Madhu says, “Diving is not work for me, it’s my PASSION!” Bring up the financial aspect and he just smiles and says, “When you do what you love the money comes!”

Other interesting instructors I have met include a former member of the Queen’s Army, and a  software engineer from Bangalore who started off as instructor by teaching part time.

So, I have surrendered myself to the idea of doing what you love-excelling at it and making the big bucks as opposed to having to love what I do and affording the plastic surgery for that smile that wont reach my eyes!