Sea turtles have long fascinated both biologists and conservationists. All of the seven species found in the world’s oceans are listed as either endangered or threatened. Of these, five species are found in waters of the Indian subcontinent. There are several important sites and populations in the Indian subcontinent, including the mass nesting beaches for olive ridleys in Orissa, feeding and nesting grounds for green and hawksbill turtles in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and the Lakshadweep Islands, and a significant nesting population of leatherbacks in the Little Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The subcontinent faces several serious threats that conservation efforts need to address urgently.

This website was developed to collate information that currently exists on sea turtles and their habitats not just in India but in neighbouring South Asian countries as well. Numerous community based groups, conservation non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – local, national and international, academic institutions and government departments have contributed to studies and surveys that have helped understand these mysterious yet fascinating creatures. There has long been a need to make available this information that can be easily accessed by students, researchers and interested persons. This site therefore is an attempt to create such a space where research findings, notes, historical records, photos and the successes of various conservation activities across the region may be made available to anyone who might be interested.