AHMEDABAD: The first ‘Coral Atlas’ of the state prepared by the Gujarat Ecology commission was released on Saturday. The Atlas, based on thematic maps of coral reefs on the coastline of the state reveals the latest figures on the reefs.

The atlas not only gives the figures for coral reefs in the state but also give details of the habitat scenario of each of these reefs. The Atlas has been prepared with technical assistance from Bhashkaracharya Institute of Space Applications and Geo-Informatics.

Principal secretary – Forests and Environment, SK Nanda said the atlas which is a study report will serve as an important baseline in preparing the upcoming ‘Integrated coastal zone management plan’ for Gujarat. He further said that earlier the commission came out with a similar study on mangroves all along the state’s coastline. The coral atlas will also be useful to the ground level beneficiaries, various stakeholders and natural resource managers.